Breast Cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths among Jordanian women. Approximately 40% of new breast cancer cases are diagnosed before the age of 45 years. The high proportion of cases in young women might reflect a high prevalence of hereditary breast cancers in the Jordanian population. Germ-line mutations in BRCA 1 and BRCA2, the two autosomal dominant breast cancer susceptibility genes, account for the majority of breast and ovarian cancers in high risk families. However, the contribution of BRCA I 12 mutations to hereditary breast cancer is not currently known in the Jordanian population.
We propose to evaluate, and for the first time, the frequency of germ line mutations in BRCAI /2 in Jordanian breast cancer women with a selected high risk profile, and postulate that these mutations will have a significant contribution to hereditary breast cancer in Jordan. In addition, we will compare clinical & pathological features and outcome between mutation carriers and non-carriers.